"I am very excited to have created an animation to accompany
Mussorgsky's 'Pictures at an Exhibition'

This wonderful and emotive music lends itself perfectly as inspiration for an animation.
I wish to take this animation and perform alongside it live,
not only in concert venues, but also in art galleries and other spaces"

Tom Scott


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- About The Music ------------------------------------------------------------------------

In 1874, the Russian composer, Modest Mussorgsky visited an exhibition of art works created by his friend Viktor Hartmann.
Hartmann, who was an artist and architect, had died suddenly in 1873, and an exhibition of over 400 of his works
was set-up in his honour at the Academy of Fine Arts in Saint Petersburg.

Mussorgsky was inspired by this exhibition and composed his musical masterpiece “Pictures at an Exhibition” (1874).
The work is in ten separate movements and depicts an imagined journey through an art gallery,
where all manner of paintings of characters and scenes are skilfully described using the language of music.


MOVEMENTS (with animation examples):


(The promenade theme depicts the composer's journey through the imaginary gallery

1.Gnomus – The Gnome

(above) Scenes from "The Gnome" (animation stills)

Promenade theme

2. Vecchio Castello (The Old Castle)

(above) Scenes from "The Old Castle" (animation stills)

Promenade theme

3. Tuileries (Children Quarelling at Play)

(above) Scenes from "Tuileries" (animation stills)

4. Bydlo

(above) Scenes from "Bydlo" (animation stills)

Promenade theme

5. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks

(above) Scenes from "Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks" (animation stills)

6. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle

(above) Scenes from "Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuÿle" (animation stills)

7. Limoges – The Market (The big news)

(above) Scenes from "Limoges - The Market" (animation stills)

8. Catacombæ – Catacombs (A Roman Sepulchre) -
Con mortuis in lingua mortua (With the dead in a dead language)

(above) Scenes from "Catacombs and Con mortuis in lingua mortua" (animation stills)

9. The Hut on Hen's Legs (Baba-Yagá)

(above) Scenes from "The Hut on Hen's Legs" (animation stills)

10. The Great Gate of Kiev

(above) Scenes from "The Great Gate of Kiev" (animation stills)

I will be performing alongside this animation live in concert over the next few years with
Scott Brothers Duo

Scott Brothers Duo can perform alongside this animation in versions for
piano duet, two pianos, and piano & organ.

Animation Duration: circa 34 minutes


Please get in contact if you are interested in this animation.


© Tom Scott 2016 - All rights reserved